Kitchen Exhaust Duct Cleaning is the process of removing grease and dust that gets accumulated inside the ducts, fans, hoods and vents of exhaust systems of kitchens. Kitchen chimneys and hoods, if left uncleaned eventually pile up with enough grease to become extreme fire hazards. Exhaust duct systems must be inspected at regular intervals of time before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated inside ducts.
Clean Air Services offers kitchen exhaust & Ventilation Duct cleaning services. The complete kitchen exhaust duct systems in hotels, hospitals, restaurants and home are first scraped clean and then washed with food safe caustic chemicals and hot water pressure-washing is done so that to safely rinse away the residue. Chemicals are applied with either a garden type sprayer, downstream injection via pressure washer or with a chemical foamer. The real commercial kitchen exhaust duct system cleaning guidelines are outlined in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 96 Fire Codes). A Kitchen chimneys and hoods cleaning company should meet the standards and guidelines of NFPA 96.
The contaminated grease has various negative effects. The exhaust which is found in the hoods and ducts of kitchens is inflammable and it can cause fire which may lead to loss of life. Even the exhaust in the hoods and ducts after a period of time starts dripping where the food is getting cooked. It thus contaminates the food which is unhygienic and may cause health problems. The exhausts, if not cleaned periodically may get chocked which may put more load on the exhaust blowers, thereby increasing the consumption of electricity and increased electricity bills. This even makes the kitchen hot and uncomfortable to work in.
With years of experience in kitchen exhaust and duct cleaning services we provide a complete cleaning solutions for all types of kitchen exhaust systems. We use various safe methods for cleaning. All cleaning agents used by us are non inflammable and environmental friendly. We work within the framework and guidelines provided under NFPA 96. Your safety is our concern.